Exam Archive
- Accounting (E_IBA1_ACC)
- Advanced Algorithms (XMU_0060)
- Advanced Computer Networks (X_405082)
- Advanced Corporate Finance (E_FIN_ACF)
- Advanced Econometrics (E_EORM_AECTR)
- Advanced Linear Programming (XMM_400326)
- Advanced Logic (X_405048)
- Advanced Machine Learning (XM_0010)
- Advanced Macroeconomics (E_EC_AMAEC)
- Advanced Requirements Engineering (X_400423)
- Advanced Simulation for Finance, Economics and Business (E_EOR3_ASFEB)
- Algemene Statistiek voor BWI (X_400218)
- Algorithms for Genomes (X_430077)
- Analyse 1A (X_400623)
- Analyse 1B (X_400624)
- Analysis I (X_400641)
- Analysis II (X_400642)
- Applied Analysis Financial Mathematics (X_400076)
- Applied Stochastic Modeling (X_400392)
- Asset Pricing (E_FIN_AP)
- Asymptotic Statistics (Mastermath)
- Automata and Complexity (X_401049)
- Basisconcepten Wiskunde (X_401104)
- Bedrijfseconometrie I (E_EOR3_BTR1)
- Behavioral Operations Research (E_EORM_BOR)
- Behavioural Dynamics
- Besliskunde
- Big Data Statistics (E_EORM_BDS)
- Bioinformatics for Translational Medicine (X_405092)
- Biomedische Wiskunde (X_401056)
- Brain Imaging (P_MBRIMAG)
- Business Intelligence and Analytics (E_IBK3_BIA)
- Business Modelling And Requirements Engineering (X_401005)
- Business Process Management (X_405115)
- Calculus 1 (X_400635)
- Calculus 2 (X_400636)
- Calculus III
- Capita Selecta Business Informatics (X_400014)
- Coding and Cryptography (X_405041)
- Cognitive Psychology and its Applications (XM_40010)
- Collective Intelligence
- Combinatorial Optimization (E_EORM_COPT)
- Combinatorial Optimization (X_401067)
- Complex Analysis (X_400386)
- Computational Finance
- Computational Methods in Econometrics (E_EOR3_CME)
- Computational Thinking (X_400475)
- Computer and Network Security (X_400127)
- Computer Graphics
- Computer Networks (X_400487)
- Computer Organization (XB_40009)
- Computer Programming (XB_40011)
- Computer Systems (X_401030)
- Concurrency and Multithreading (X_401031) (X_405064)
- Data Analysis 1 (E_EOR1_DA1)
- Data Analytics and Privacy (R_DAP)
- Data Science Methods (E_EOR2_DSM)
- Data Structures and Algorithms (E_EOR2_DSA)
- Data Structures and Algorithms (X_400614)
- Database Fundamentals and Applications (E_EOR2_DBFA)
- Databases (X_401008)
- Deep Learning (XM_0083)
- Derivatives (E_FIN_DER)
- Design of Multi Agent Systems
- Differentiaalvergelijkingen (X_420556)
- Differential Geometry (X_400631)
- Differentiëren en Integreren 1 (X_400574)
- Differentiëren en Integreren 2 (X_400574)
- Differentiëren en Integreren 3 (X_400577)
- Discrete Mathematics (XB_0008)
- Discrete Optimalisatie (X_401080)
- Distributed Algorithms (X_400211)
- Distributed Systems (X_400130)
- Dynamic Econometrics (E_EORM_DE)
- Dynamic Modelling for Human Centered Systems (XB_0036)
- Dynamic Programming and Reinforcement Learning (XM_0093)
- Dynamical Systems (X_400637) (X_430598)
- Dynamics and Computation (X_400647)
- Econometrics III (E_EOR3_TR3)
- Empirical Economics (E_EOR3_EEC)
- Empirical Finance (E_EOR3_EFIN)
- Empirical Methods
- Entrepreneurship for Artificial Intelligence and Computer Science
- Entrepreneurship in Analytics and AI (XM_0090)
- Equational Programming (X_401011)
- Ethics (E_EOR2_ETH)
- Evolutionary Computing (X_400111)
- Finance (E_IBA2_FIN)
- Finance 2
- Financial Econometrics (E_EOR3_FTR)
- Fourier Analysis (XB_0005)
- Geographical Information Systems (E_STR_GIS)
- Group Theory (X_401105)
- Heuristic Optimization Methods (E_EOR3_HOM)
- History of Science (X_400318)
- History of Science (X_400652)
- Human Computer Interaction (X_400432)
- Information Retrieval (X_400435)
- Inleiding Bioinformatica 2 (X_401042)
- Inleiding Computersystemen (X_400033)
- Inleiding Programmeren (X_400150)
- Inleiding Theoretische Informatica
- Inleiding Wiskundige Economie (E_EOR1_IWE)
- Integrative Modelling (X_401001)
- Integrative Modelling 2
- Intelligent Systems (X_401086)
- Introduction Modelling and Simulation (X_400547)
- Introduction to Data Science (XB_0018)
- Introduction to Image Processing
- Introduction to Programming (Java) (X_400634)
- Introduction to Programming (Python) (X_401096)
- Introduction to Time Series (E_EOR3_ITS)
- Introduction to the Philosophy of Mathematics
- Investments (E_EBE3_INVES)
- Kansrekening 1
- Kansrekening 1 voor BWI
- Kansrekening 2
- Kansrekening 2 voor BWI
- Kennissystemen
- Knowledge Representation (XM_0059)
- Lineaire Algebra 1 (X_400638)
- Lineaire Algebra 2 (X_400082) (X_400639)
- Lineaire Algebra voor BWI en N (X_400041)
- Lineaire Optimalisatie (X_401079)
- Linear Algebra (X_400042)
- Linear Algebra for AI (XB_0081)
- Logic and Modelling (X_401015)
- Logic and Sets (X_401090)
- Logica voor Wiskunde
- Logical Verification (X_400115)
- Machine Learning (X_400154)
- Machine Learning for the Quantified Self (XM_40012)
- Macroeconomics I (E_EBE1_MACEC)
- Markov Chains (XBU_418085)
- Mathematical Analysis (XB_0009)
- Mathematical Economics III (E_EOR3_ME3)
- Mathematical Optimization (XM_0051)
- Mathematical Statistics (XB_0049)
- Measure Theory (X_401028)
- Multi Agent Systems (XM_0052)
- Multivariable Calculus (XB_41008)
- Multivariate Econometrics (E_EORM_MVE)
- Multivariate Statistics (E_EOR2_MS)
- Natural Language Processing (XM_0121)
- Networks and Graphs (X_401010)
- Neural Models of Cognitive Processes for AI (P_NEUMOD_AI)
- Neural Networks (X_400132)
- Number Theory (X_400632)
- Operating Systems (X_405067)
- Operations Research (X_400618)
- Optimization and Learning via Stochastic Gradient Search (E_EORM_OLSGS)
- Optimization and Multiagent Systems (E_EORM_OMS)
- Optimization of Business Processes (X_400422)
- Parallel Programming for High Performance Applications
- Partial Differential Equations (X_400163) (X_401023)
- Performance of Networked Systems (X_405105)
- Pervasive Computing (X_400552)
- Philosophy and Ethics(X_400433)
- Probability Theory (X_400622)
- Protocol Validation (X_400117)
- Quantitative Financial Risk Management (E_FIN_QFRM)
- Requirements Engineering (XB_0032)
- Rings and Fields (X_400630)
- Risk Management (X_400578)
- Ruimtelijk Redeneren (X_401034)
- Scheduling (MasterMath)
- Security
- Service Science (X_401077)
- Sets and Combinatorics (X_400621)
- Software Architecture (X_400170)
- Software Configuration Management (X_400413)
- Software Design (XB_40007)
- Software Engineering (X_400071)
- Software Modeling (X_401016)
- Software Project Management (X_401093)
- Software Testing (X_400439)
- Statistical Data Analysis (X_401029)
- Statistical Methods (X_401020) (XB_0080)
- Statistical Models (X_400418)
- Statistics (X_400004)
- Stochastic Modelling (X_400646)
- Stochastic Processes for Finance (X_400352)
- Stochastic Processes the Fundamentals (E_FIN_SPFUN)
- Stochastische Processen (X_401026)
- Supply Chain Lab (E_TSCM_SCL)
- Time Series Models (E_EORM_TSM)
- Topology (X_400416)
- Wachtrijmodellen (X_401061)
- Web Data Processing Systems (XM_40020)
- Web Technology (X_400488)
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